END Summer 2019 Team

This Summer’s END Team consisted of three members: Ina Chan, Cassidy Holahan, and Dorothy Pierre-Louis. This team has focused on cataloguing early novels from the 1790s as part of the Early Novels Database project and dedicated this project to mapping out the locations in the titles of novels from 1660-1850. This project was part of our work at END!

We would like to thank Anna Levine, for all her guidance as our END supervisor, Girmaye Misgna, for assistance in learning ArcGIS, Catherine Chase, for all her assistance to the END team, and everyone at Kislak.


Ina Chen

Team Member

Ina Chen is an English Department Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Ina helped with the project planning and research. She is also responsible for building and maintaining the website.



Cassidy Holahan

Team Member

Cassidy Holahan is a PhD student in the English Department at the University of Pennsylvania. She studies British literature of the long eighteenth-century, with a focus on material texts, digital humanities, and the history of the novel. Cassidy worked as the graduate student supervisor of END's summer 2019 team, and oversaw this project.

Her digital projects can be found online www.cassidyholahan.com


Dorothy Pierre-Louis

Team Member

Dorothy “Thyo” Pierre-Louis is a senior English major at the University of Pennsylvania. Thyo helped with project planning and research. In addition to this summer project group project, Thyo worked on a personal END-related project concerning paratext in the Summer of 2018.